
welcome to my little internet website for yearning sapphics. designed to answer one simple question: "is she gay?"

sapphics includes anyone who believes themself to fall under this umbrella. this includes non-binary and transgender lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, queers, etc., as well as ciswomen. the one exception is that terfs are officially not allowed to use this website. if you believe you have the authority to decide who other people are instead of listening to and believing them, why are you even here?


current design trends are pretty cool. it's so cool that the 2020s already have their own distinct voice. cheers to this excellent video by linus boman talking about gradients, system fonts, and disregard for conventions.

i just kinda wanna play around with design trends which is why i made this the way it is. the original concept was the stretched arial yes, and i just kinda add more designs as i go. do i know anything about design? no. but everyone likes outsider art. right? right?


coming soon - a section that shows all the possible page variants. for the record my favourite one so far is this one


email: ruby@isshe.gay


isshedotgay is a website by ruby j (she/her) (© 2022)

"yes" designs are by ruby j (for now)

website text font is archia regular by atipo foundry